Wednesday, October 22, 2008

It is delicious!

Love delicious, but I can't be bothered to remember where the .'s go.

What a great idea, wish I had had it last year when I switched computers, then when the hard drive crashed after three weeks with a new computer(which they replaced, but not the fly in fishing trip favourites that we had).

It also would be good for work, when I move around the Woolwich branches, there are a few websites that would come in handy at each branch-also when new staff computers arrived. It's really neat that it is social, and I will explore that more later, but simply the storage option is such a blessing.

I can see it definitely being useful for staff, and a service we could tell patrons that use the internet at our libraries about, esp. the ones that come in when their internet is down. Even if we were able to share bookmarks with each other it would be great, I know there is so much knowledge in the branches already.

The dreaded question, "I want to research my family tree, where do I start?"-well, some websites handy of whereever you do that at would be handy, as well as the physical reference section.

I am going to ponder wonderful ways that delicious could work for us, and then get to technorati another day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Delicious saved me when my computer crashed. I didn't have to search around for all my bookmarks, because they were already saved on the web. Phew!