Tuesday, September 30, 2008

oh my!

I thought I was doing so well, then this week's assignment just looks overwhelming. Is next week the break week? Please? Okay, I will try it soon. I am finding I am loving having an outlet to write, whether anyone is looking at it or not, and I have to fight to not just drone on and on about stuff. I lost my battle today. I am a blogaholic wannabe.
P. S. This is the first fish my 2 year old daughter has ever caught with her Tigger rod. It was put back to live out its life as best it can. Once in your life vacation in Muskoka after labour day and enjoy hot deserted beaches, pools and resorts only two hours away from home. Plus Tuesdays are free!

Monday, September 22, 2008

I really like Mappr, but I've just begun...

When I saw Mappr, I thought wouldn't it be cool to read a novel and of course I was thinking of Pride and Prejudice as usual, and see photos of the landscape of the villages and see how far it is when the regiment goes to Meriton or when they go see Mr. Darcy's house etc. We could only see what it looks like now, but I would love to take a virtual literary tour of England. I remember a few years back when the One Book One Community book was by Jane Urquhart and they had a bus tour of local places that the book referred to. It would be neat to be able to see that from home, save it as a slide show and share it. A slideshow could be saved and used at community displays or to intrique people to read a book.

If our patrons read a blog, maybe photos would "sell" a new book to them with mouthwatering recipe photos or location landscape shots or if author photos were available. I personally would have trouble writing a blog for young adults, but I would love to have female tween blog followers and I could write about new pony books and teen romances. I know that is the way they communicate with each other, and the young ladies I know will roll their eyes if I talk too long, but I think they would read a blog with photos of new books and reviews by their friendly library staff and their friends. There is a certain anonymity that makes it easier to communicate with young people on line.

My dream cookbook, someday...

My dream is to look up potatoes and ground beef-which is what is in my fridge/cupboard, and have a book tell me what I could make right now!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Kissing Bridge

Kissing Bridge, originally uploaded by Lisa-S.

Kind of cool that I could search for "Elmira" and find things I am very familiar with. Saves me driving there and taking a photo....

Saturday, September 13, 2008

First posting, September 13, 2008

I am excited to take this course. I hope to learn what it is like taking a modern online course, learn what others in similar positions know and want to know, and feel more confident with new communication technologies. I am familiar with some of the tools we will be learning about, most notably facebook. I have heard of the names of the other tools, but have little experience with them. One worry I have is that this will add to my sitting and typing time, and I will miss what is actually happening out in the world. Add that to the time I spend reading library books and it could be next year and I won't know it!
I have wanted to do a blog for a long time, I love to write and miss writing letters to people. Since no one ever writes back anymore, I guess it is time to communicate with people where they are at and not how I wish things were, or how they used to be. I am nervous I will take the course too seriously and not do it for fun, I am worried I will get behind and feel frazzled and I am worried I will want to do it when I am supposed to be working (but I won't, promise!). I wonder whether I am supposed to use shortcuts and emoticons like the people who do this for fun. I would like to, since my younger friends on facebook don't spell anything correctly and I feel like I am reading another language and would like to learn more than lol.
See you next time, cheers!