Sunday, October 5, 2008

Feed me!

Okay, so now I have lots of newsfeeds. I wonder if they are ones I really wanted, or did I just want to get my homework done? will be fun to follow the other blogs and I think as I start looking for feeds on sites I am interested in, the content will better suit me. I did find it difficult to find feeds that seemed interesting to me, but then perhaps I am not the target market for these things? The search tools did not suit me, and I eventually gave up. My email is not used much nowadays, so maybe some feeds will make me feel less e-lonely. Most of my mail comes through facebook and from people I knew in the 80s.

I love the idea of having these feeds, but I might find them annoying if they all come at once. I also am having password overload -is there a book where I could put them all -and my usernames are scattered throughout my brain too. The other day I forgot my bank card number, which is a tragedy for me, that's my number one number and I couldn't figure it out at a store. I had to go to the Elmira bank machine(the scene of most of my interac crimes) and use my kinesthetic memory to figure it out. My brain forgot, my finger knew.

We could easily add these to the elmlib email address and wouldn't everyone be pleased! Add to the many emails we get already. You know what I would love though, is a feed attached to Lois' desk(or whoever) that says....I just added this new book or DVD to the catalogue, place your hold now before anyone else finds out! The other day I checked for a DVD I wanted and it wasn't there one day and the next it was, and I was tenth in line! As I sit dreaming, I wonder if I could get a feed saying that someone cancelled in the popular Thursday morning storytime and get that one spot left right away. Or a feed from a publisher's press releases advertising a popular author's next novel. Hey, maybe we should ask a library page or two to be on the Web 2.0 committee(they won't need the course, they are born knowing these things), since they are the people that use these tools and would be impressed that the library wanted to involve youth and young adults. It would give us some authenticity and a built in focus group. Now, Sunday, here I come, full of news and dreaming of bacon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

e-lonely, ha ha ha! You are too funny!
