Thursday, October 9, 2008

what's that old green thing in my library bag?

So, it would be cool to have a facebook page to create buzz about a big event, maybe word on the street or family literacy day or something for YAs, but the worry would be having to watch it constantly so it didn't get usurped into another agenda. How do we know it is authentic out there anyways? Someone planned my __th high school reunion UGH! this summer via facebook and some people went, lots like chatting about barely related stuff though. For people my age, only a few are on facebook, so though it was an easy way to communicate, it was not the most useful, but for 20 somethings or younger, it is necessary. My neighbour got a facebook account for her birthday now that she is a teenager, something she has been waiting for like a driver's license or pierced ears in my day!

I'm glad to know about library thing and it would suit people I know and meet at the library. A few of them....mostly though, our most regular patrons are still trying to figure out using a debit card or a photocopier, so to ask them to store books on an online account is a bit far fetched. It looks like a fun time waster I want to go back to. Not to be a cynic, talk to me in a year and I may have hundreds of books on there, but a pad and paper would be just as good to me, to keep track of my favourites. Once again, it is so useful to have an understanding of the concept for those times when I would need inspiration or to share it with a patron who loves this stuff and wants to have a midnight book club in their pjs with folks from around the world.

Now that we can download novels onto an mp3 player and listen to them anywhere, and not even need to "visit" a library, I can see the challenge is to remain relevant to the next generation. Sites like this can bridge the gap between paper readers and modern technoreaders. I heard that in the 80s though, that books would be dead by the turn of the century and so far, not even close! That bookdrop on Tuesdays is so full, we need two carts in the juvenile department alone, people are really reading in my town!

Now I should check the assignment to see if I answered any of the questions or just droned on a little soapbox once again. :) Cheers for now.
Don't forget to vote all you Tuesday night library keepers!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's true these tools are not for everyone. But it is always good to know what technology is out there...for free!
