Tuesday, September 30, 2008

oh my!

I thought I was doing so well, then this week's assignment just looks overwhelming. Is next week the break week? Please? Okay, I will try it soon. I am finding I am loving having an outlet to write, whether anyone is looking at it or not, and I have to fight to not just drone on and on about stuff. I lost my battle today. I am a blogaholic wannabe.
P. S. This is the first fish my 2 year old daughter has ever caught with her Tigger rod. It was put back to live out its life as best it can. Once in your life vacation in Muskoka after labour day and enjoy hot deserted beaches, pools and resorts only two hours away from home. Plus Tuesdays are free!


Anonymous said...

Great pic!

Anonymous said...

Get down with your bad blogger self! I'm so happy your enjoying using your blog as a creative outlet! I'm reading it...and loving it!


ekae said...

I know what you mean about feeling overwhelmed, or getting sucked in, or whatever it is. I spent way too long on Week 3, but my it was fun. I loved your book cover too! --kae